

Dedicated to the progress of holographic comic books.

Jake Adams highlights milestones in the projects below and documents the process of making Maldacena: A Mirror For the Real, the first holographic comic book alongside new projects and art work. Latest Projects: Aphid Through the Looking Glass, FEELS and APHID VOIDS


: Instagram :

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Video of Aphid Through the Looking Glass. The full holocomic play through.

: Recent Installations :

FEELS : September 2021


Festivals and Cons

Maldacena was recently selected for the Supernova Digital Animation Festival in Denver! Can’t wait for it we are very grateful and very proud!

Maldacena was recently selected for the Supernova Digital Animation Festival in Denver! Can’t wait for it we are very grateful and very proud!

Our upcoming presentations at comic cons and media festivals can be found here.

Our holo-comic received a nomination for best in category, come join us in celebration! www.newmediaff.com

Our holo-comic received a nomination for best in category, come join us in celebration! www.newmediaff.com

Cancelled due to Covid-19

Cancelled due to Covid-19

Still going on and would love to see some fans!

Still going on and would love to see some fans!

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